Social Media Menu
Basic Starter Pack: $1,000
A great solution for businesses looking to post quality content within a short timeline. We highly recommend this to anyone requiring immediate assistance–especially those seeking to hire a part-time social media associate at $15 to $20 an hour rates. The Basic Starter Pack comes with a 1 minute video, three 30 second video clips, and 30 days of quality content prepared and automated for all your social media platforms.
Startup Special: Qualified businesses are eligible for a one-time, 15% discount with an agreement of a minimum 3 month term.
Ivory Kit: $3,000
Our Ivory Kit is exactly what business owners look for when hiring a full-time marketing associate without the inconvenient costs and process of hiring. We believe in a vision that sees your resources working more efficiently for you. Our Premium Package includes five 1 minute videos, ten 30 second video clips, and 90 days of quality content prepared and automated for all your social media platforms.
Startup Special: Qualified businesses are eligible for payment plans of $0 introduction with an agreement of a minimum 3 month term.
Golden Sun: $10,000
We are prepared to give you the Dolce & Gabbana of content when we do business based on a high level of trust and truth in our words. Integrity is of the upmost importance in our business model. For now, we can guarantee that what you’ll be taking home includes one deluxe 15 minute video, fifteen 1 minute videos, thirty 30 second clips, and at least 180 days of quality content prepared and automated for all your social media platforms.
Startup Special: Qualified businesses are eligible for payment plans and fee reduction with an agreement of a minimum 3 month term.